Sunday, August 26, 2018


The whelping area was set up on Saturday...

Saturday lunch: Journey polished off a tin of tuna. Her impending litter didn't seem to concern her!

Lunchtime temp went down to 37°C, so I thought we were all on track for the temp low on Sunday, followed by the spike and then puppies on Monday....

Think again!

Saturday night Journey ate a full meal and then I hopped into the bath. She was trotting around yapping and interacting with my other dogs, when all of a sudden everyone dispersed, and Journey came to stand next to me, shaking like a leaf! So it was off to the vet at 10pm!

We had to have an immediate caesar.. Once the vets got going it was quick - puppies flew out of the operating room! And we got a bonus baby a no5!

They took some time on Journey, and we were finally able to leave the vet at a few minutes to 12.
By 1am Journey was settled in at home with her babies, and they had had their first feed.

Some of the family were allowed to visit, although Journey was very out of it still.

It was a  VERY long night. I was up for most of it, sitting with Journey and grabbing an hour of sleep at a time when I could. She needed a bit of help with the feedings, but seemed to be looking after them ok. She cleaned them nicely, and chewed off the rest of their umbilical cords. By this morning they were all drinking strongly and I am very happy with them!

Tide was allowed into the box today to help with the cleaning - Journey seemed to welcome the assistance!

   No one else seems to be allowed too close today, Journey has got quite protective, which is unusual for her.

All the female pups have been given coloured bands for helping with telling the pups apart. Weights were down this morning, but they are drinking well, so I am not worried.

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