Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Upcoming plans at Mackland:

Plans are under way for pups in 2016. There are, so far, 3 confirmed litters (all sheltie litters) with 2 matings planned around April, and 1 litter around June. These litters are:

Lexi x Reece
G x Reece
Dollar x Reece

A fourth litter is also on the cards (Journey x Tide/ Reece) but testing is still under way and this litter is still to be confirmed.

Unfortunately, even though there is quite a list for border collie puppies, there are no confirmed BC litters for 2016. Plans are up and down, and health tests still need to be completed on some dogs.
There are plans, however, for Mackland boys to be used on outside bitches (both shelties and border collies).

I will update as soon as there is more news.