Monday, April 14, 2014

Bad news

It is with HUGE sadness that I have to report that Q is no longer pregnant :(
She has been extremely miserable and I decided to go for a 6-week scan to check on the babies and to see their heartbeats and hopefully know more on numbers.... The scan showed no babies :(

She was scanned at day 24 = pregnant with minimum 3 pups
And then scanned again at day 43 = no pups

She appears to have reabsorbed them (absorption normally between 32nd and 44th day if it happens)

The good news is that she is ok, and I am able to exercise her more and build up her fitness from now.

So... I have a new plan of action. Will keep everyone posted.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Time flies!

It is 5 weeks already!

Q is still as miserable as ever, but I take her out a lot and she changes her tune very quickly!
Yesterday she had a nice little run on our training exercise with the bars on the ground... she seemed to be suitably fooled that she was training!

I hope to get some nice pics of her next week!

Here is soppy Q getting a tummy tickle last night on my lap: