Monday, March 31, 2014

Q's mom, Chanel

Photos by Kristin Henkel

Q's dad, Stitch

Photos by Kristin Henkel

Database information

I had a little fun on the International Database this morning:

Here is the available part-picture 3 generation pedigree, and also the calculation of inbreeding over 10 generations.


We have some progress :)

Q is still miserable and has the sulks, and is eating really slowly (unheard of!)

Her babies food arrived this weekend, so we are all set :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Health of the "Bears" litter

In my efforts to combine health, structure, and performance drive in my shelties, I will only be breeding dogs that cannot be affected with CEA (as we have a huge problem in SA).

Puppies from this litter will have the best start to their lives with regards to this.

Tide's hips are A1-A1 (the best you can get!) and Q's are B1-B1 (so all in the 0-0 range in the old scheme!)

Both are DNA cleared of PRA and MDR1, and Tide is DNA CEA CLEAR, while Q is a carrier (CEA FREE). No puppies in the litter have a chance at being CEA affected! Strict breeding restrictions will apply.

Q's performance and drive capabilities speak for themselves, and Tide is as sharp, if not sharper than Q, but he is more highly strung.

All pups will be temperament tested at 6 weeks, and assessed for Agility, and then allocated to their owners.

I look forward to this journey!

It's almost 4 weeks already!

Tomorrow marks the 4 weeks point for Q's pregnancy. And this coming weekend it's halfway!

Q has been on RC HT42D for all this time, and we have started with some boiled egg for lunch now too.
She is feeling VERY sorry for herself, has had morning sickness this past week and plods around like she's on death's door.... Every morning she hops onto the bed and collapses in a heap for me to fuss her and tickle her tummy while she dozes.

I stopped training her at 3 weeks, and she's getting a plain walk a day now for the rest of her pregnancy. I don't think she is charmed at all (probably another reason for the sulks!)

Today I'm cooking up some chicken liver and brown rice so that she can be treated a little :)

I will be keeping everyone up to date on her litter here, so feel free to check back at any time to see if there's news (or subscribe to posts on this blog).

Q's "fun" will be limited to the hosepipe & sprinkler for a while!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My last day with the babies :(

It was a sad day for me but I am glad that everyone's happy with their babies! I do miss them terribly!!
Photos and updates will follow in the Mackland Facebook albums

They all had another bath today, so were clean for the few minutes around meeting their new moms....

Friday, March 14, 2014

The pups are leaving tomorrow :(:(

Well, time has flown, and the pups have only 1 more night with me. I can't believe 8 weeks went so fast!

All 3 pups are as dirty as they can possibly be... I will need to bath them again in the morning to see which are the red ones.. hehehe
So they will go to their owners all spick and span (and maybe stay like that for 5 minutes!)

"Red" is leaving tomorrow morning at 09:30, no doubt Sam Stedman will be camped out on my doorstep from 05:00!

"Rogan" needs to be at the airport at 11am for his flight to Durban. His crate is already packed and ready to go with all his goodies taped to it like some sort of hobo's shack! Colleen will probably be pacing an hour early...

"Domino" will be alone with mommy for a few hours, as Sue is on her way from Johannesburg to fetch her in the afternoon. She leaves at 4pm.

I will have empty-nest syndrome!

And Chakotay... well, she will be distracted with a nice long walk around the neighborhood tomorrow evening! I think she will also have a nice bath!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


The pups are now very active! It  is getting increasingly difficult to walk around without being accosted by furballs!

All 3 pups carry things around in their mouths - all sorts of toys, sticks, blankets, towels, even Chak's metal dish!! Rogan and Domino had a tug of war with the dish yesterday! They all like to taste poo, so I have to watch carefully when they go, and pick it up quickly (if they don't try and eat it, they roll in it!)

Between the poo and the mud, I have 3 brown pups..............

Domino has had 2 baths, and the reds have had one. All 3 have been dried with the dryer (the reds didn't like it much but we got it done, the black didn't mind at all)

Rogan is the sweetest pup. He follows the girls and copies them. He is happy to play on his own. He likes to creep behind the tunnel, between the tunnel and the wall and get stuck. When he's wedged in, he sleeps there... Rogan steals keys.... He always has mud up to his tummy and romps in the rain while the others prefer to run inside. He loves cuddles and relaxes when I want to hold him. Rogan prefers pooing on paving, rather than grass, much to my disgust (always does it when I am barefoot and not looking!) He is the calmest pup :)

Sweet on the outside, until something pisses her off.... on a playdate last night she didn't like being walked over and so she flattened an Aussie puppy... oops
The busiest puppy, Domino drags everything that she can find around. She climbs people's legs and is constantly looking for something to grab. She tries to eat the couch cover, and when corrected walks a few metres away, and then hurtles back and does it again! She's by far the naughtiest puppy!

Red loves running through the tunnel - again and again... She is always the dirtiest puppy (as in poo) as she likes to tumble the others on the ground and then roll.....  She is not as much a thug as she used to be, plays nicely, and likes to be picked up for cuddles.

None of the pups like the sound of the poop scoop - plastic on plastic, but they tolerate the mini drum and metal sounds.

I need to cut their nails..... haven't had a chance yet, so I will need to tire them out thoroughly and then do it while they nap! Ouch!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Registered Names

Red Girl
Mackland Red e Sted e
Call name: Red

Red Boy
Mackland Painthetown Red
Call name: TBC

Black Girl
Mackland I Wanna be Red
Call name: Domino

Loving their inside eating pen!

Dirty puppies are going to get a bath today!

OK I have had enough of the rain and mud!!! We have a nice photo shoot booked for Saturday so this can't carry on!


The reds at 6 weeks...

Sound Training

I bought this little drum to see how the pups handled sounds.... they didn't seem to like it much, but still made an effort to come and see it when I asked them to!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Well, the vet has finally finished the microchip documentation, so I collected it all, and have sent off everything for KUSA Registration :)

Let's see if I get the registrations back before the pups leave!

Monday, March 3, 2014


No photos today! I may be up for abuse or neglect..... sjoe these pups need to be CLEANED!

They have had a massive adventure overnight... the bathroom will never be the same again. Their sleeping box is attached to the en-suite so that they can get up and play and run around if they want to.... But last night nothing was safe! Not even the toilet!

The toilet paper was off the roll and was swished all over the room, the towels were on the floor, dragged around and graunched up in the newspapers.... the shower door was open and my stash of clean stuff was dragged out, the wax seal under the toilet was somehow IN THEIR FUR!

Well.. it's STILL in their fur, the grooming has begun....

This evening I let them out in the drizzle to go potty, and they took off through the mud and muck.......... and then they tore back inside - so the family room floor is a wreck!

MORE grooming.

Let's hope the puppy police don't arrive to check on the babies anytime soon!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Garden candids at 6 weeks

Tugging at 6 weeks

I am sure you will all enjoy this one...

Surface Training - first session

The pups were let loose in the yard yesterday for something a little different. We put out some surfaces for them to investigate and I began by luring them near each "obstacle". Then today they were let loose on their own to explore, and then I will do another session tomorrow to see how they improve.

Here is the first session:

Red Girl

Black girl

Red boy
(shame, he did not like the paste I was using, I will have to find something else for the next session)

6 Weeks

Red Boy 6 weeks


Red Girl 6 weeks



Black Girl 6 weeks