Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Update on G - 1 week to go!

G has been doing well, eating everything she can get hold of. Her favourite definitely seems to be chicken necks, although tuna does come close!

I was able to use the fetal doppler on Saturday and find the baby's heartbeat! All looks (sounds) good, from what I can hear.

She has begun nesting (I lost her under the deck yesterday, thought she had been stolen, HEART ATTACK)

Then I have started rearranging the whelping room, have to move my boys' crates out tomorrow to begin the F10 cleaning, then the assembling of the PVC whelping box.

The paperwork is printed in preparation for her whelping. It's in a file, all ready for the room. I will start taking her temperature today.

We will be seeing the vet on Monday for her X-ray and check. Holding thumbs that tha baby is AOK and that everything is still on track!

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