Monday, September 9, 2019

Time is drawing near for G

G went for her last outing this weekend - a slow walk on the field. She is in good spirits and eating well. Her temperature has been pretty constant around 38°C. This morning it is a little lower:

Also this weekend, I hauled out the first whelping box and gave it a good clean outside before bringing it inside and disinfecting it.

I then started packing the room!

I have bottles of F10 spray ready, both inside and outside the house - for me as well as anyone else entering the premesis, and also some additional F10 products ready. The whelping room was washed down with F10 before me packing it, and the box and room are being sprayed daily until pups (as I am in and out)

In the meantime, G is resting peacefully. I will contunue to monitor her temperature and behaviour. Any day now!

And my vetbed is FINALLY unpacked!!!! So we are ready for babies this week! This is an amazing product. It is imported bedding specifically for breders/ vets. I have 2 large pieces for the whelping. I will pop it in the box when G is ready. theblanket in there is just for her nesting - the pups will be bown on this. It is super absorbent, so pups won't be lying in the wet while G is whelping...

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