Monday, September 16, 2019

G and her babies

We have had a rough week! G was due around Wednesday, and there was no labour and no pups... But after multiple trips to the vet (we went daily), scopes and scans to monitor the babies - we eventually did a caesar on Saturday morning. The 2 babies arrived, 1 boy and 1 girl, around noon. Birth weights were low, so as soon as I could get G out of there, we headed off home so that she could meet her babies.

Unfortunately as time passed, I realized that the girl was struggling to maintain a good body temperature, even though there were 2 heaters on, plus a heating pad. I added a heated beanbag, and this eventually helped.

Both pups lost a bit of weight over the first day and a half, but then stabilised as I was tube feeding them. The boy fed on mom inbetween, but the girl didn't have much stamina for that. She eventually managed a good feed on Monday afternoon. They haven't picked up weight yet, but the boy has returned to his birth weight, 185g. The girl is sitting on 110g.

G is starting to relax - she is really an overprotective mother! She realises now that I am helping the pup when I take her to be tube fed across the room, and not trying to murder it! But that doesn't stop her from grabbing the pup from me in her mouth, and hiding it in the box!

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