Monday, January 15, 2018


Sunday I had a crying puppy, shaking his head. So I thought perhaps he had something in his ear, so popped a little ear cleaner in there. Then I noticed it was both ears that he was twitching, and not just the one, so unlikely that something had got in there... So off to the vet we went (Yes, it's always a Sunday!). He did a thorough check, and everything looked perfect. His ears were open and clean, no foreign bodies, only a little inflamed inside. With the info that he was eating normally and playing normally, just crying and shaking his head, he checked the computer. His inoculation was on Thursday and the deworming on Friday... he concluded that the pup had a mild reaction to the inoculation - so he was given a 24h shot for his discomfort. And today he is right as rain again!
So I will ask all puppy owners to keep a close watch after their 2nd and 3rd inoculations to make sure that there are no further reactions.

The pups were given free reign of the house and front yard on Sunday too.... but I am not sure that was a great idea haha - now they want out all the time!

I have introduced the pups to their first chase-it toy. This was done as a group, just informally on my deck, to encourage a little competition for the toy. They took to it immediately (I used a baby sheepskin tuggie on a horse lunging rein). I will continue with this, but will also be working on this one on one with the two Agility puppies (Red and Blue).

When the pups are all tired out, they find a spot and pass out.... they seem to like the border collies...

Purple boy likes to cuddle up to old Veebs, so sweet

And then....... they wake up and there's mayhem!
I am NOT one to leave shoes lying around.... but they find then anyway! My slip-slops were on top of my wash basket in the bathroom........... hmmmmm
Blue boy got creative and brought one to the lounge and then found a partner in crime.

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