Today is a good day! The weather is nice, the pups are all out in the back pen for the morning (poor neighbour) and I didn't step in shit.....! This is a good thing because I have new shoes (not ideal)...
Today's poo cleanup was QUICK - the pups were so good in the inside pen during the night. About an hour after putting them to bed last night, Blot started screaming for attention so I took him outside... straight onto the lawn for a poo - what a good boy!! I took the rest that were awake out too, so there was far less cleanup this morning :) So from today if the weather is ok, they can stay outside much later at night
Yesterday was.. NOT so good.... woke up to poo smell, went to puppy room and took pups out, cleaned poo, got poo on me, cleaned myself, took pups breakfast out to the lawn, stepped in poo, cleaned my slippers, picked up poo on the lawn, stepped in poo that I missed, took slippers off and tossed them on the deck, hosed the lawn in my socks (very carefully looking for poo), back into the house to take poo newspaper out to the back, looked clock... 6am.................... back to bed... smelled poo, out of bed again looking for poo on me (thankfully not), looked at the bed.......POO - little G had had a runny tummy in the night and then got on the bed AARGH...
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