So the babies are 2 and a half weeks old already! They are making me work really hard!! I have never seen so much pooh in fur! (eek) The cleaning is escalating fast!
It has been really hot and the babies have been amongst ice packs for 2 days, but at least it is cooling down. They are showing more and more little bits of personality now.... for example:
Supermodel should have been called MONA! Flip, she doesn't stop moaning and grouching. she likes to stomp around and push her way through the pile of pups to get where she's going!
Little Spot doesn't take sh1t! If someone shoves him or stands on his head he throws a wobbly at them. He's always reaching up with his neck hoping that I will pick him up first!
Celine has quietened down, I hardly hear her any more. She is a fat pudding still (glad it's not my ass)!
The twins (Jet and Mel) are much alike, very sweet and docile, and both enjoy a little cuddle.
Bart and Tank are also sweethearts, but Bart likes to take a lot of naps, while Tank hauls ass around the whelping box at a rate of knots. Now you see him, now you don't!
Ditto is very quick to move around as well, very light on his feet, and not shy to tell anyone off if they push him around!
Oh it is a HARD choice to pick from a "breed" perspective!!! I find it much easier picking for workability first!
They will be introduced to the lawn from the weekend... I can't wait for that!
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