Sam having a little look-see at Chak's tummy that, all of a sudden, seems to have some little bulges...

To all the prospective puppy owners, I thought that you would like to see the photographs, videos, and updates of the Mackland puppies while they are still with me. These Border Collie & Shetland Sheepdog puppies are lovingly bred and raised in my home. This blog lets me show you step by step how your baby is raised. It highlights each step from mating to 8 weeks old. I hope that you all enjoy reading about them as much as I enjoy having them in my house!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Small preggie tummy
The shaved tummy is a little itchy, and its not very swollen at all, just a little firmer than usual...
Eggie for breakfast...
Chak is really enjoying her boiled egg for breakfast every day! She says she definitely prefers it to scrambled egg! The poor hen in the backyard had better keep up!
Today lunch was some tinned pilchards - YUMMY, and I got some more fresh hake for tomorrow :)
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Christmas day outing
Chak and the Prince Tide had fun today at the school. With Chak's shaved tummy, she doesn't even look pregnant!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Preparations under way
People are always asking questions, and I love it!! Keep asking :)
A couple of you wanted to know about what Chakotay is given normally.. well, here it is - the Omega 3 and Salmon Oil on her food (both below are virtually the same). And at the moment she is on the RC HT42d until her 42nd day.
In addition, her inbetween "treats" consist of whole boiled eggs, scrambled egg, and raw chicken necks:)
I have also stocked up on the Hills AD for the last stretch of her pregnancy when she is off her food, and for during labour when she won't take her pellets. She just cannot RESIST it :)
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Well now... yesterday and today Chak has been off her food a little.. She ate it slowly and looked a bit green :)
Lets see what the scan says on Monday!
Lets see what the scan says on Monday!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Today was the day!!! The vets had a little bit of a tough time seeing much on the first scan, perhaps Chakotay's ovulation time was quite a bit later than the first AI, so any babies are a bit younger than initially assumed.
They managed to catch a glimpse of 2 little blobs that could very well be some puppies developing. We will go for another scan in a week or so to be able to see a little clearer.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
bored in the middle of the night...
hehehe Couldn't sleep so fiddled around on my tablet during the night and did yet ANOTHER simulation of this mating on the database.... just love the results every time I do it :):)
Substitute baby...
Chakotay has a substitute baby while we are waiting...
She is obsessed with the baby cockatiel! Poor bird gets stared at 100% of the time that Chak is near him...
Other than that, all is going well. Chakotay has shown no signs of morning sickness yet. She eats her HT42d in one go (except if the bird is out, then I have to feed her in another room as she cannot stare at the bird and eat at the same time...)
Let's see what the Debbie Jensen calendar says about this stage:
I'm going to do my best to have the scan on Friday if my boss lets us go a little early as it's the last day of work for the year :)
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
...still counting down!
Time is marching on, and I am happy that it seems to be going quickly. I'm aiming for next Friday/ Saturday (13/14 December) for Chakotay's scan. She would be almost 4 weeks then...
Hold thumbs!
Hold thumbs!
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